Saturday, June 16, 2007

Cool Music for a Saturday Night

I have very mixed feelings about David Lynch's film adaptation of Frank Herbert's classic science fiction novel "Dune." The movie is alternately dazzling and visionary and stupid. But I have always loved the music by Toto that accompanies the film's closing credits.


Stardust said...

I never realized that Patrick Stewart starred in Dune. But I have never managed to watch the entire film, either. The giant worms were ridiculous. My husband and sons, however, love that film...and wasn't there a sequel?

Tommykey said...

You might be thinking of the mini-series on the Sci-Fi channel a few years ago. They redid Dune, and then they did the sequel Children of Dune.

The theatrical version of Dune by David Lynch came out in 1984 I believe.

Stardust said...

Tommy - just wanted to let you know that I added you to my list of friends on my Stardust Journal of Random Ramblings blog. :-) It's one of my five blogs that I have just for everyday this and that.

Tommykey said...

Thank you. :-)