Friday, July 03, 2020

If Donald Trump Was Captain of the Titanic

Being the consummate salesman and bullshit artist, Donald Trump has always had the ability to find ways to spin every failure or setback on his part as stunning success.  So, I imagine ways that he would try to gloss over other real life disasters if they happened on his watch.  The first one I thought of is if he was the captain of the Titanic.

"The Titanic was a beautiful ship on a perfect cruise until the iceberg, which no one could have seen coming and no one could know how much damage it would cause.  I saved a lot of lives, probably more than any ship captain in history, and thanks to our tremendous work, we got hundreds of passengers and crew members to New York, but the fake news media doesn't want to talk about that.  All in all, despite the ship sinking, it really was a fantastic success."

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